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A Summer Of “Call Push Rescue” In Tyrone GAA

Monday 16.09.2019
Team Talk Mag
Club Life


More than 800 young Tyrone GAA players have received training in the basic skills of CPR.


The aptly named ‘Call Push Rescue’ programme is a British Heart Foundation initiative recently rolled out with the aim of training the masses in life-saving CPR skills.


Young people aged between six and sixteen received the training during summer camps across the county, with the support of the Tyrone GAA Health & Wellbeing Committee.


Welcoming the success of the programme, Tyrone HWC Chairperson, Malachi McCann said: “When the Tyrone HWC heard about the programme, and how effective it has been in saving lives, we thought we could make a real impact in Tyrone.”


Although attending a full first aid course is encouraged, BHF acknowledges that more lives will be saved if people are given the opportunity to learn the basics of CPR. The good news is that these skills can be learned in a much shorter time-frame, and can be taught en masse, even to young children.


The “Call Push Rescue” programme has been successfully rolled-out in schools, and when they heard about it, Tyrone Health & Wellbeing Committee were keen to play their part. Tyrone GAA Coaching Committee and County Executive were keen to support the roll-out through-out the Tyrone GAA Summer Camps 2019.


Training took place in Omagh St Endas, Beragh Red Knights, Dromore St Dympnas, Errigal Ciaran, Dungannon Thomas Clarkes, and Naomh Mhic Artain, Augher summer camps, as well as the Tyrone U14, U15, andU16 Academy Camps.


Training takes approximately 40 minutes with first aid dummies supplied by the BHF through Ulster GAA.


Malachi McCann continued: “We know that most out of hospital cardiac arrests happen in the home, and with many parts of Tyrone being so rural, it is very likely that a loved one will be the person who will be with you in the first moments after a collapse. Basic CPR skills have saved many lives.”


“We were happy with the clubs who came forward, and hope others will get involved next year. We got excellent support from our coaches at summer camps and County Executive.”


“I would like to thank the Termon First Responders and Tyrone-Armagh First Responders for assisting with delivery. Also thanks to BHF and Ulster GAA for initiating this very worthwhile partnership.”

Clubs can access this programme at any time of the year by contacting Maura McMenamin at Ulster GAA on



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